It may seem as though the next couple of weeks are not the best time to begin your job search, but as mentioned in previous articles, December is the ideal time to start that long and dreaded search for a new position. That being said, if you would rather wait till January, it’s not the end of the world. However, there are a few things you should cross off your list now.P...
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6 steps to take now if you want a new job in January
about 2 years ago by -
Discover why recruiting during the holidays is highly beneficial
about 2 years ago byThe recruitment and staffing industry is usually less busy during Christmas and New Years, but aside from re-evaluating your current work situation, recruiters should also consider this period as a golden opportunity to source top talent.This is one of the most important recruitment months of the year as most candidates are planning their future. What better gift can recru...
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Get a head start to the New Year by starting your job search now
over 2 years ago byThere is no better time of year to find a job than in December. However, job seekers, tend to take time off to enjoy the holidays. With so much going on at this time of year, it can be challenging to maintain you job search, but stopping the search can be a big mistake. Despite what you might think, hiring continues to take place during the holiday season. An employer hire...
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What to look for in a company before accepting a job offer
over 2 years ago byDespite the fact that we spend a significant amount of time at work, when it comes to making a decision about our future, most of us rely only on our expert intuition without any solid data to back our decision up.Consider it this way. When you meet a new person, how do you decide whether or not to invest into a relationship with them? Your natural tendency is to search for...
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Quiet quitting: Everything you need to know
over 2 years ago byThe latest workplace buzzword is quiet quitting. Even though it sounds like someone is resigning, it is actually a rebellion against the hustle culture of doing more than expected.As a result of Covid-19, many people have had to rethink their career choices, making them want to limit their workload and only do what is required of them, instead of going above and beyond. Qu...
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How job seekers can make themselves more attractive to recruiters
over 2 years ago byIn the current economic climate, the labour market is no longer stable. In the aftermath of COVID-19, unemployment rates have dropped and competition for top talent has increased.While job seekers may have more options than in the past two years, not all of them will be viable. Now it’s more important than ever for active and passive job seekers to showcase themselves in w...
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The most common mistakes job seekers make when networking
over 2 years ago byGetting to know people in your field, and in other fields, can lead to a new career opportunity or help you advance in your current career. Nowadays, networking can be conducted in person or using a variety of technologies including email, texting, social media, and other messaging tools.It is essential to network in order to increase your job prospects on at least two cou...
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Managing employee burnout: Top tips
over 2 years ago byIt takes time for an employee to burn out. Even the most passionate employee can become disengaged over time due to a series of triggers. Even though a little stress can be motivating, too much of it, combined with excessive work demands and personal life stressors, can result in burnout.Employers cannot always help curb employees' burnout, especially when the cause of bu...
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How to ask better interview questions as a recruiter
over 2 years ago byRecruiting differs from job interview to job interview. However, people often encounter the same old and boring interview questions, such as “what are your biggest weaknesses?” and “where do you see yourself in five years?”. With today's technology and social media tools, recruiters are required to take a more creative approach to interviewing.Making questions more interes...
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Top tips for success when working with a Recruiter
over 2 years ago byRecruiters can make a huge difference when it comes to finding your new job. In addition to providing insight on your marketing materials, recruiters can provide coaching on what works and doesn't during interviews for a specific client - all things that can be extremely useful during a job search.In some cases, recruiters may contact you themselves if they feel you would b...
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The key differences between volume hiring and regular recruitment
over 2 years ago byYour business's success depends on recruiting the right employees. Having the right people at the right time is crucial for any company, regardless of position level. Unfortunately, most employers find it challenging to find the right candidate.Many people, when faced with the huge recruitment landscape, confuse volume hiring with traditional recruitment. There is a signif...
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How to successfully negotiate your employment contract
over 2 years ago byThe negotiation of a contract is the process of determining the terms of a written agreement. Normally, it's a conversation between two parties, during which you will discuss different aspects of the contract and eventually agree on its terms.The goal of negotiating for yourself after a job offer is to leverage your advantages. It’s obvious you want career fulfilment but i...
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Benefits of hiring Graduates this September
over 2 years ago byConsidering expanding your company but unsure whether to hire graduates or seek out more experienced candidates?Graduates can bring valuable qualities to a role regardless of whether you're a small start-up or a global corporation. While you may be apprehensive about hiring someone fresh out of university, it's important to keep in mind that all hires have a level of risk,...
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Tips to help you calm your second interview nerves
over 2 years ago byIn the search for the right candidate for a job, most companies often interview potential candidates twice.Usually, the first round determines whether an applicant is qualified for the position. The candidates who pass the first screening interview then move on to the second round. During the second interview, the company will typically ask more complex questions and test ...
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How a Recruitment Agency can benefit your business
over 2 years ago byWe all know that the main purpose of a recruitment agency is to help job seekers find new jobs, while helping companies find the right people for their open positions. Sadly, only a few people are aware of all the additional benefits that come with using a recruitment agency.Partnering with a recruitment agency can prove to be extremely beneficial to your hiring managers a...
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10 things that don’t belong on your resume
over 2 years ago bySome things simply do not belong on a resume, and you may lose out on a job opportunity if you include them. Although you may believe that you are providing the employer with many reasons to hire you, when it comes to resume writing, too much information can be detrimental.The fact is: If you want to make an impression on your target audience and show them what you can do,...
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Tips for accelerating your hiring process
over 2 years ago byIn the current market, a speedy hiring process can be a key differentiator when it comes to securing top talent. The best candidates often have multiple offers to consider. Even though salary, benefits, and career prospects all matter, speed is often the deciding factor. Those who make the first offer have the best chance of success.If you wait too long to hire someone, yo...
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What to do after being rejected for a job
over 2 years ago byYou've just learned that you didn't get the job you were hoping for after an interview. Now what? Where do you go from here?We all know how bad it feels to be rejected. When trying to find a job, it can be even more daunting. As unfortunate as it may be, rejections are an inevitable part of the job application process and trying to prevent yourself from experiencing them w...
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Onboarding tips to help new hires succeed
over 2 years ago byCongrats on your new hire! But remember, your job is far from over. Following the recruitment of a new employee, the worst thing you can do is neglect the importance of the onboarding process.Onboarding is crucial to the longevity of your new hires as it helps to acclimatise new employees to their roles, and the culture of your company. A thorough onboarding process engag...
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The importance of cultivating a growth mindset and how it can facilitate career success
over 2 years ago byA big part of your success is determined by your mindset. The difference between taking on a challenge and getting stuck can mean the difference between succeeding or failing. It is your perspective on your jobs, your failures, and your circumstances that will determine how you develop professionally and personally.It is especially important to adopt a growth mindset when ...
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